What makes a photo humane?

I have long pondered this question. A good four years, to be precise. This question first struck in my head around the time when I was increasingly disillusioned by the term landscape photography and the content within it. I used to (and still do) photograph landscapes (everything that …

I can identify good art when I encounter one, yet I cannot explain what good art is.

Why is it that, if the intention of art is to question the very foundations, most of the works related to photography, look more or less the same? Why is there an over-emphasis placed on the medium of film? Large-format images of deserted places, of objects devoid of …

In appreciation of Voigtlander for Fujifilm

I am a big fan of Fujifilm. It started with my curiosity to find out why Fuji photographers showcased it openly as their gear of choice. Undoubtedly, the 'Fuji look' in their photos was hard to ignore: a certain type of colour rendering, shadow fall-off, aesthetic ready-to-use JPEGs, …